In the early morning of the Good Friday (2 Apr 2021), the church organized a nature walk starting at Lower Peirce Reservoir Park and following a trail which will lead us north, into Thomson Nature Park.
在受难节那日(2021 年 4 月 2 日)的清晨,教会举办了一日步行,从贝雅士蓄水池下段开始,沿着一条路将我们带向北方的汤申自然公园。
Besides enjoying some of the beautiful nature scenes that God created, walking inside the forest early morning is also amazing for our health, both mental and physical. 除了欣赏上帝创造的一些美丽自然风光之外,清晨在森林中散步对我们的身心健康也非常有益。
We explore the nature park in groups of 8. It was the first outdoor event of the year and there are 79 people who signed up for this nature walk. 我们以 8 人为一组在自然公园漫步与探索。这也是教会今年第一次的户外活动,总共有 79 人报名参加。
Walking side by side also provide us a great opportunity to interact with our own church members and getting to know one another better. 每个小组并肩行走也带来了聊天的绝佳机会,让我们与教会的会友和外来的朋友互动,彼此了解。
There were quizzes and landmarks to find to make the nature walk more fun.
Journey to the west 西游记
On a side adventure, Deacon Ngiam Keng Suan and his wife reminisce their old romance days fishing at Upper Peirce Reservoir Park. It is located much further to the west from our main route. 当日,严经川执事回想以前常常和太太在贝雅士蓄水池上段公园钓鱼的浪漫时光。蓄水池上段是需要往西的方向走,也不在我们原定的路线。他们还是决定往那边走,冒险的深往西方!
Both of them decided to “go back in time” and venture into Upper Peirce Reservoir Park, thus, unable to “return in time” and miss their lunch! Oh well, finding happiness is key to making your marriage flourish – just as God designed. 😊 严经川夫妇两人决定冒险西游记进入贝雅士蓄水池上段公园,时光倒流 “回到过去”,无法在预定的时间 “回到现实” 因此错过了午餐!但是值得哦,找到幸福婚姻发展的关键,毕竟婚姻是神圣的,愿荣耀归于上帝。 😊
Thompson Nature Park main attractions is to visit the 5 trails and get to understand the previous kampong days of the Hainan Village that used to occupy this land.
Ruins and figs (1.5km)
Stream and ferns (1.4km)
Rambutan (0.4km)
Langur (0.35km)
Macaque (0.15km)
Along the way, brothers and sisters also observed interesting insects, roosters, squirrels and monkeys. Mt. Hermon XMQ even found a green snake! 一路上,弟兄姐妹们观察到了很多有趣的昆虫、公鸡、松鼠和猴子,等等。黑门山小组竟然发现了一条绿蛇,拍了照片!
Sharing from XMQ
Family Group - Sis. Ang Hui Shan
It was good bonding session for my family. A rare occasion that we can go out and do something different :) 这对我的家人来说是难得的机会,我们可以出去做一些往日不同的事情,是个很好的家庭时间 :)
Mt. Olives XMQ - Deacon Paul Lim
It is good to had such outing for bonding relationship.
Mt. Carmel XMQ - Bro. Benjamin Goh
The nature walk was a very successful initiative especially how it was conducted to facilitate fellowship during a pandemic. The whole Mt Carmel XMQ had a good time exercising in the morning and having breakfast. 教会举办自然漫步非常成功,尤其是在疫情期间更加需要促进团契关系。 迦密山完成早上运动后,又一起吃早餐,玩得很开心。
Mt. Nebo XMQ 1 - Deaconess Hu Jing
We had a great time boning together and enjoyed the nature.
Mt. Nebo XMQ 2 - Bro. Paul Chan
相信,经过这一天的徒步运动,每一个参与的人都能感受到彼此的热情与真诚,但愿在 神的带领下,我们再次相约,但愿 神的呼召和感动在彼此的心里动工。
Mt. Hermon XMQ 1 - Bro. Woo Keng Cheong
Thank God for a great weather!
Mt. Hermon XMQ 2 - Deacon Goh Yang Keng
Give thanks we are able to experience a beautiful fellowship and also enjoy the beautiful scenery of God's creation. It helps to relieve the tension and stress in the midst of the pandemic. 感谢主,在神的创造享受大自然。在疫情中体会美好的团契,轻松缓解紧张的心情。😀❤️🌈
Mt. Hermon XMQ 3 - Sis. Choo Wan Yee
It's been great joy and a wonderful experience, having the chance to experience outdoor nature walk with my church members. Hope the church will organize such outings again. 有机会和教会成员一起户外自然漫步是一种很快乐又美妙的体验。 希望教会能再次组织这样的郊游。
Mt. Horeb XMQ - Sis. Kelly Lee
Fun and good bonding between cell group!